Magnificent Marvelous Women

Say Yes to life!!!

Posted on: May 14, 2009

“Yes is a world and in this world of yes are all worlds” E.E. Cummings

I saw this quote yesterday and I instantly thought, this HAS to be a blog post!

Yes really IS a world that we choose to enter into. Once we start saying yes to life, a whole other world with so many miracles opens up for us.

So – How do YOU say yes to life?

Me? Well YES for me is showing up in life. It’s living authentically and with purpose. It is about doing every day things just with pure love and awareness, not out of obligation or auto reaction.

I say yes to the people I choose to be around, and the way I choose to spend my precious time on this planet.

I am not just talking about big things here either, even going to the grocery store can be act of saying yes to life. You have the ability to consciously choose foods that are good for you, the planet, and foods that raise your vibration. You have the abillity to be loving and kind towards shop assistants. To be present whilst carrying out what could otherwise be thought of as a mundane, routine necessity is saying YES to life!

Of course saying no to things can also be an act of saying yes to life.  Choosing not to spend time doing something that won’t be of benefit to you or those around you, is an act of cherishing and celebrating yourself.

Saying yes to life is an act of recognising the abundance of power and choices you have available to you. Saying “no” can be so so liberating, (I wrote alot about this in my previous post).

Say yes to life in whichever way serves you, it could be a totally a different experience for you. For me it’s about observing the flow and cycles of life and being a fully integrated player in this amazing thing called life!!

How will YOU say yes to life more? Your comments are welcome!!

1 Response to "Say Yes to life!!!"

I know we don’t know each other, but I want to thank you for sharing those thoughts. In many ways, my starting to blog is my new beginning of saying “YES!” to life. That is definitely an attitude more people need to embrace.

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